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Moore Masks, Please

  On this special mid-week bonus episode, Dan talks with Rob Moore about his new article on the Ohio Capital Journal on masks and COVID-19. The conversation roams from the evolution of opinions on masks throughout the epidemic to the challenges of school reopenings.


Go check out Rob’s article Mask Mandates Save Lives but are a Political Thornbush as well as the article from HealthAffairs mentioned in this week’s episode: "Community Use Of Face Masks And COVID-19: Evidence From A Natural Experiment Of State Mandates In The US"

You can also go listen to our previous episode that included a discussion on masks from back in February: “Talking Coronavirus (and Flu!) with Franklin County Public Health”

Produced by Dan Skinner and Mark Frantz

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Dr. Dan Skinner is Associate Professor of Health Policy in the Department of Social Medicine at Ohio University, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, on the Dublin, Ohio campus. He earned his Ph.D. in political science from the City University of New York. Skinner teaches and researches about, as well as advocates for increased access to health care, especially for underserved populations, as well as various aspects of social determinants that affect the health of communities, in Ohio and beyond.