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47th In The Nation: A Look At The Health Policy Institute Of Ohio's Health Value Dashboard

If Ohio has some of the world's pre-eminent health care institutions, why does it continue to rank among the worst in the nation in health outcomes, especially considering the amount of money we spend? On the new episode of Prognosis Ohio, part of the WCBE Podcast Experience, Dan Skinner talks with Amy Rohling McGee, President of the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, and Zach Reat, HPIO's Director of Data Management and Analysis, about HPIO's 2021 Health Value Dashboard. Topics include adverse childhood events and trauma, racism and health disparities, and how to move Ohio's health infrastructure and programs toward a model based on prevention.

In addition to the Health Value Dashboard, be sure to see HPIO's Equity Profiles, discussed on the show.

Episode hosted and produced by Dan Skinner (Twitter).

Show notes and links posted at


Dr. Dan Skinner is Associate Professor of Health Policy in the Department of Social Medicine at Ohio University, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, on the Dublin, Ohio campus. He earned his Ph.D. in political science from the City University of New York. Skinner teaches and researches about, as well as advocates for increased access to health care, especially for underserved populations, as well as various aspects of social determinants that affect the health of communities, in Ohio and beyond.
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