Spotify's "I Heart it First on Public Radio" Playlist Tutorial

How does it work?

The playlist is open and collaborative, which means anyone with a Spotify account can add a track to it. However, you do not need a Spotify account to stream the playlist.

How do I add a track?
1. Follow thislink to launch the playlist in your internet browser.
2. Click on the username prmm.
3. A window will open. Click the button that reads Launch Application to open Spotify. Spotify will open to the prmm user profile.
4. Click the album art in the bottom left corner of the Spotify screen, which will then open the playlist.
5. Click the button that reads Follow to follow the playlist. The playlist will now be listed in your left-hand side bar in Spotify. Drag and drop tracks into the playlist.

How do I share?
Once you've followed the playlist, you can share it on your personal social networks by right-clicking the playlist name where it’s listed in your Spotify left-hand sidebar. To share it to your station’s Facebook and Twitter, you can use these templates:

What song did you discover on public radio? Tell us! Add your discovery to the @Public Radio Music Month Spotify playlist curated by… YOU!

How to:
Click the link, follow the playlist, then drag and drop your favorite public radio discovery into the playlist.

What is your #publicradio music discovery? Add it to the @pubradiomusic@Spotify playlist curated by…YOU!

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