Green Tip 9 - Water On The Run

Hocking Hills, OH –

Last week's green tip gave helpful information for using filtered water in the home and work environment. But, what are we as fast moving, driving here-to-there Americans supposed to do when we are on the run, traveling to and from work and play?

While many plastic reusable water containers are available in most stores, this is not the best option since, once again, you are introducing toxic plastic into the environment and compromising human health. The best type of reusable water container is stainless steel, with aluminum coming close in second. Below are some web sites that offer a variety of types and styles of these metal-based containers. They are durable and very recyclable at the end of their life. The prices range anywhere from around $9 to $19 (paid for when you stop buying less than one week's worth of plastic bottled water). Make sure your choice fits in your cup holder and/or bike cages. There are many styles to choose from so find one to fit your personality, so you are more apt to use it., (has a small one for kid's lunches),,,

Another option for a portable re-usable drinking container is to reuse a glass Snapple drink container or some other drink that comes in glass. This will be free and is the best for the environment as glass is the only material that can be recycled over and over and over! They will fit in your cup holder, but you have to be careful transporting them as glass is breakable. For longer outings I reuse my Santa Cruz or Lakewood organic brand glass juice containers. They store 32 fluid ounces. One to two bottles will serve as good back up for you and a couple of family members. For longer outings and hot days, put some filtered ice cubes in them. They can be placed in the foot well of your car.

If you're not convinced that you should stop buying plastic bottled water, then these final words (reiterated from last week) should change your mind. Bottled water is over priced. Over 95% of the cost is the bottle, label, and lid. The average person consumes 3.5 gallons of water per week. This costs about $28.71 per week in bottled water. You will pay for your portable/re-usable bottled water container in a short time. You are saving money, the environment, and your health, so just say "no".

Byline Bio:Gwen Corbett, owner of Bear's Den Cottages, Green Lodging
Helping Individuals and Businesses Go Green

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