Ohio is planning to receive the first batch of the COVID-19 vaccine around December 15, with another batch coming a week later. This will begin the multi-tiered distribution process. Ohio Public Radio's Andy Chow reports.
Health care workers and caregivers working with high-risk individuals are set to be among the first in Ohio to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The first batch will be the Pfizer vaccine then the Moderna vaccine is set to arrive in Ohio a week later.
Governor Mike DeWine says the state will be continuing to refine the list of who can get the vaccine and when.
DeWine: "You're balancing getting it out quickly at the same time you're balancing getting it out in a priority manner. Both of those are factors that have to be considered."
News of the vaccine comes as DeWine and health officials plead with Ohioans to slow the spread of the virus Thanksgiving week by wearing masks and observing distance.