Ohio’s system of higher education is reinventing itself for a new era in the state’s history. Will schools be ready? Among the challenges, the number of U.S. high school graduates is expected to peak next year at about 3.5 million students before dropping 15% in the next four years, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education, with profound implications for institutions of higher education. Additionally, the needs of key Ohio employers are always accelerating, creating growing pressure on schools to produce workers ready to enter an ever-evolving workforce, especially in technology and healthcare-related professions. Schools are also creating new ways to ensure students stay housed, fed, and that childcare resources are available to keep students with families enrolled and moving toward graduation. A college education remains a life-changing asset for graduates, with Axios reporting recent grads in 2023 ages 22-27 earned $24,000 more annually than their peers holding just a high school degree. With a panel of experts, we explore how Central Ohio’s colleges and universities are preparing for a climate where every dollar counts, where potential students are scarcer than a generation ago, and where partnerships and innovation are the keys to keep Ohio campuses thriving.
Featuring Dr. John Comerford, President, Otterbein University; Dr. Morakinyo A.O. Kuti, President, Central State University; Dr. James Orr, Vice Provost, Strategic Enrollment Management, The Ohio State University; Dr. David Harrison, President, Columbus State Community College; moderator Sheridan Hendrix, Higher Education Reporter, The Columbus Dispatch.