Several people identifying as transgender and gay went before an Ohio Senate committee Wednesday to tell their stories of discrimination. They want…
In the last two legislative sessions, at least one Republican state lawmaker has introduced a bill changing the rules for union dues and membership for…
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's visit to the Canfield Fair in Mahoning County Monday was truncated. But his presence drew comments from…
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says she won't accept Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto's invitation to visit before Election Day, as…
The conservative policy group funded by the billionaire Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, is holding its convention in Columbus this weekend. And…
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says 128-thousand volunteers will knock on doors, make phone calls, and mail fliers for President Obama and other…
The AFL-CIO says it has registered more than 450-thousand new voters from union households, including 68-thousand in Ohio, in a bid to help President…