Former vice squad officer still faces federal charges this summer.
Andrew Mitchell to be retried for Donna Castleberry's death during prostitution sting.
A new law requiring Columbus police officers to render first aid and activate their body cameras sooner was approved by City Council last night.Andre's…
Court documents show the City of Columbus is preparing to settle for 1 million dollars a lawsuit filed by the family of a woman killed by an undercover…
Bond is set at 1 million dollars for a former Columbus vice cop charged with killing a woman who he and police officials claim stabbed him during an…
A federal judge has scheduled a March 30 trial date for a former Columbus police vice squad officer accused of forcing women to have sex with him under…
The family of a woman who was fatally shot by a Columbus vice squad officer is seeking more than 3.5 million dollars in damages in a federal wrongful…
A woman has filed a lawsuit against Shaker Heights police, claiming an officer offered her leniency in exchange for sex. The suit says the officer coerced…
A former Columbus vice officer has pleaded not guilty to a nine-count federal indictment for obstructing justice and destroying potential evidence that…