Hear what the year ahead looks like for Columbus’ economy in this discussion featuring Bill Lafayette, Ph.D., Founder & Owner, Regionomics, LLC, Tom…
The central Ohio economy will recover slightly with a 2.6% gain of almost 27,000 jobs in 2021, but should leave year-end employment well below its…
Regionomics owner Bill LaFayette released his 20th annual economic outlook for the Columbus-area at Wednesday’s Columbus Metropolitan Club forum. He…
U.S. Census Bureau estimates show the Columbus metro area now has more people than metro Cleveland and is on pace to surpass Cincinnati at its current…
Wednesday’s Columbus Metropolitan Club forum offered a glimpse at how the central Ohio economy may fare in 2018. Mike Foley reports.Regionomics owner Bill…
Economist and Regionomics founder Bill LaFayette delivered his annual Blue Chip Economic Forecast at the Columbus Metropolitan Club yesterday. He expects…
Wednesday’s Columbus Metropolitan Club forum offered a glimpse at how the central Ohio economy will fare in 2016. Mike Foley has details.Regionomics owner…
A local economist says the outlook for central Ohio in 2015 is unusually bright. Bill Lafayette of the analysis group Regionomics told the Columbus…
Central Ohio is poised for its largest level of job growth since the end of the Great Recession. Local economist Bill LaFayette released his annual Blue…
The federal government shutdown has a broad economic impact in Ohio. Former Columbus Chamber of Commerce economist Bill LaFayette now runs a firm called…