The Central Ohio Transit Authority says fares for all fixed-route transit lines and COTA/Plus services will be reinstated on January 11.Fares for COTA…
The Central Ohio Transit Authority plans to launch service upgrades today. Several lines that had been shut down due to the pandemic will return to…
A third Central Ohio Transit Authority employee has tested positive for the coronavirus. The agency says the worker is a transportation services…
The Central Ohio Transit Authority says a second bus driver has tested positive for the coronavirus. COTA says the driver had not been on a bus since…
The Central Ohio Transit Authority is temporarily suspending fares during the coronavirus pandemic and making changes to make riding safer. Passengers are…
Smart Columbus has halted a test of self-driving shuttles in Linden as official investigate why one unexpectedly stopped Thursday, causing a woman to fall…
The Central Ohio Transit Authority reports ridership increased in 2019 to the highest level in 31 years. The agency says in a news release just over 19.1…
Columbus police say two kids driving a stolen car crashed into a COTA bus downtown after running a stop sign Friday. Officers called off a pursuit before…
A public transit advocacy group is planning on trying to get Columbus voters in 2020 to approve funding for construction of a light rail or rapid-transit…
The Central Ohio Transit Authority is offering furloughed federal workers free 31-day bus passes while the partial government shutdown continues. COTA…