On the new episode of Prognosis Ohio, part of the WCBE Podcast Experience, Dan Skinner talks with Dr. Tracy Nájera and Kelly Vyzral from the Children’s…
A report released Monday by the non-partisan Annie E. Casey Foundation shows how the concurrent health and economic crises are exacerbating disparities in…
A new Georgetown University report shows between 2016 and 2019, the number of Ohio children without health insurance rose by 27 thousand to 131 thousand.…
2020 Candidate Series: Rep. Allison Russo (House District 24) on 2021 Health Care Priorities in OhioFor the past few months Prognosis Ohio has been spotlighting candidates in Ohio who have a particular interest in health and health care. On this week’s…
According to data reported to the CDC, 121 children died from COVID-19 between February and July of this year. And 78% of the children who died were Hispanic, Black or Native American.
A group of advocates working on education, health care, trauma prevention and early intervention for young children has launched a new campaign to…
A sweeping study in The Lancet finds that longstanding progress in treating diseases and reducing childhood deaths is in jeopardy.
A new report from Georgetown University shows the number of uninsured Ohio children rose by 28 percent from 2016 to 2018. That means nearly 30 thousand…
After years of decline, rates of uninsured children on on the rise. Immigrants and Hispanics saw large growth, possibly because of Trump administration policies.
Economic growth usually means more kids get health insurance, but that's not been the case during the Trump years, a study shows. For the first time in a decade, the uninsured rate for children is up.