Ohio voters Tuesday rejected state issue one by a 2-1 margin. The measure would have lowered drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor and would…
Supporters of state issue one on the November ballot say the constitutional amendment will steer non-violent drug offenders into treatment. Opponents…
Opioid abuse is taking its toll on Ohio families, especially children who often find themselves being passed from one place to another with no stability.…
Republican Ohio Attorney General and gubernatorial nominee Mike DeWine is opposing a November ballot issue aimed at reducing sentences for non-violent…
Republican Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor is concerned about a constitutional amendment on the fall ballot. Issue One requires…
Republican Ohio Secretary of State and lieutenant governor candidate Jon Husted has announced the official title for the only statewide issue on the fall…
The Ohio Ballot Board has agreed on the language for the only issue voters will see this fall - a resolution to a dispute over Issue 1.Supporters say it…
While many Ohioans are enjoying picnics, parades and fireworks, members of a group that wants to put a proposed ballot issue before voters this fall are…
State data shows overdoses from opioids – including heroin and fentanyl – are killing at least nine people a day. And that figure is likely to rise by the…
There’s almost universal agreement more treatment needs to be made available to help Ohio overcome the opioid crisis that killed nearly 11 people a day…