The first-ever statewide trustees symposium was organized by the Republican sponsor of a bill that would make big changes at Ohio's public colleges and universities, including banning most diversity training and faculty strikes.
The bill would make big changes in what colleges can teach; diversity programs they can use; prevent employees from joining unions; and more.
Hundreds spoke out or filed written testimony against the bill to make changes in higher education in Ohio, and its sponsor said some of their concerns will be addressed, but other provisions will remain.
Blaming the pandemic for negatively impacting state revenue, Governor Mike DeWine has ordered budget cuts, but is restoring some of the money that was cut…
March 15 was the deadline for Governor Mike DeWine to release his two-year budget. He’d already unveiled several proposals, but now more is known about…
Ohio Governor John Kasich has signed the 2.6 billion dollar capital budget bill, which covers state spending on infrastructure, colleges and universities,…
The state's Department of Higher Education says it will fund 22 projects aimed at preventing sexual violence across college campuses in Ohio. The…
Political and higher education leaders participated in a panel discussion on college affordability yesterday in Urbana. Ohio Public Radio's Andy Chow…
An Ohio House committee has issued recommendations to change the approach to higher education. That includes include financial aid, class loads,…