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Critics Say Competitive Districts In Newly Redrawn Maps Favor Republicans

Voter rights advocates and a national Democratic-backed group are weighing their options for possible objections to the newly-approved Ohio House and Senate district maps. The maps, adopted by Republican members of the Ohio Redistricting Commission over the weekend, created more Democratic-leaning seats compared to the previous maps. But critics say there's one major issue with those seats.

All but one of the competitive districts created in the new House and Senate maps are Democratic districts.

That means 12 Democratic-leaning seats in the House and four Democratic-leaning seats in the Senate are essentially toss-ups.

Catherine Turcer with Common Cause Ohio says this makes it possible for Republicans to still retain a supermajority.

"It could be won by a Democratic person or it could be won by a Republican. And so in fact, the only real competitive leaning seats are the ones that are Democratic seats. That's where the unfairness is."

Republicans contend that their map was the only plan to reflect Ohio's partisan balance without violating other constitutional redistricting requirements.