The former top economic adviser to President Barack Obama returns to the program for three questions about a different kind of economy.
The actor, whose trademark role recently returned to TV, answers three questions about tumultuous public divorces.
The correspondent and anchor, known for her reporting from Donald Trump's presidential campaign, fields questions about the multi-poultry Thanksgiving delicacy.
Mark Mezak of San Francisco plays this week's head-scratcher with NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro and Will Shortz, The New York Times crossword editor and Weekend Edition Puzzlemaster.
The acclaimed actor and screenwriter (and now director) faces questions about hedge sparrows, cuckoos and palm cockatoos.
Break out your multiple Oscars for a game that mashes up Tom Hanks movie titles! It's his best work since Apollo 13 Going On 30.
Can you guess how many people follow the most-followed raccoon on Instagram? We challenged house musician Jonathan Coulton and the hive mind of our audience to a guesstimation game.
Get ready for the ultimate Sting operation: We rewrote songs by The Police to be about famous cop shows.
Contestants guess whether phrases are spooky urban legends, nicknames of old-timey Hall of Fame baseball players, or a phrase following "The Adventure of" in the title of a Sherlock Holmes story.
DING! That imaginary bell means it's time for an audio quiz about the sounds you hear when events, movies, and video games begin.
We've played one thousand games on Ask Me Another! In this final round, every answer contains the consecutive letters 'U-S-A,' just like the word 'thousandth.'
For this challenge, shift one letter to spell another word. NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro and The New York Times crossword editor Will Shortz play this week's puzzle with Danny May of Penfield, N.Y.