A Hamilton County judge is indicating that Ray Tensing could have faced another charge. Leslie Ghiz says the jury in the trial of the white former University of Cincinnati police officer might have been allowed to consider a negligent homicide charge if the prosecution had asked to include it. Ghiz says Tensing's admission that he deliberately shot unarmed black motorist Samuel DuBose tied the prosecution's hands. Meanwhile, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones says he will consider hiring Tensing if he's interested in returning to law enforcement. Jones also encouraged Tensing to sue the school to get his job back. Tensing remains under a federal civil rights investigation. Jones has gained national attention for his stance on illegal immigration. Jones has asked the federal government for permission to re-launch his illegal immigration task force next year. The task force first launched in 2008 was revoked in 2012, when the Obama administration said it engaged in racial profiling.
Controversial Ohio Sheriff Says He Would Hire Ray Tensing
