A federal appeals court says the state of Kansas may strip Planned Parenthood of federal planning money. A similar law has recently been put in place here in Ohio.
Ohio Public Radio's Jo Ingles examines the potential impact on Ohio’s new law.
Ohio Right to Life’s Mike Gonadakis says the ruling by a federal appeals court that says Kansas can steer federal family planning funds away from Planned Parenthood is good news for Ohio’s new law.
Gonadakis – Well the federal court in Kansas confirmed what we knew all along. When you create a legislative scheme where you can make sure that the limited family planning dollars that each state has is directed to where women are going, then it’s constitutional.
But Kellie Copeland with NARAL Pro Choice Ohio points out the new Ohio law that steers birth control money away from Planned Parenthood isn’t being challenged in court.
Copeland – You know I think the common thread here is that women have just had it up to here. And I think you are going to see evidence of that when women go to the polls in November. I think that’s the common thread.
Democrats are promising to make this issue a major part of their campaigns for statewide office this fall. So far, polls show most voters are not focused on women’s issues right now. But Copeland thinks that will change in the fall when voters start to pay more attention to political issues.