The Better Business Bureau has some tips to protect consumers who shop online this holiday season. Jim Letizia reports.
The agency says online shoppers should read the fine print before submitting an order. Look for the return policy, as some stores have different ones. Although many online orders can be returned for a full refund, others have restocking fees. Watch for bogus advertisers and websites because it's easy for a fake site to mimic the ones of famous retailers. The agency says cyber shoppers should use retail websites they trust, make sure those sites are secure, and avoid deals that seem “too good to be true.” And they should shop with a credit card in case of a fraudulent transaction. Also, cyber shoppers should use anti-virus software to ensure the computer and personal information are safe. More information is available on the agency's website:
Here is a link to the central Ohio chapter's website, which also includes tips for next week's "Giving Tuesday" event: