Columbus Mayor Andy Ginther today committed another $10 million to the city's affordable housing efforts and announced two other related programs. The…
Ohio will receive nearly $201 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for affordable housing. It's part of almost $5 billion in…
Our panel will discuss how to tackle the multiple challenges identified in the the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s new Regional Housing Strategy…
Columbus City Council tonight is expected to pass three ordinances to provide options and protections for tenants seeking affordable housing. The Housing…
Columbus City Council members are examining how police officers are dispatched and other potential reforms in 2021. During a Monday press event, members…
Columbus Mayor Andy Ginther today released his proposed 2021 General Fund budget, a $964 million plan that maintains basic services and the city's Rainy…
Columbus Mayor Andy Ginther today announced his 2020 Capital Improvements Budget proposal. Usually announced each spring, the city delayed this year’s…
President Trump is appealing to suburban voters by promising they won't have to live near affordable housing. But 50 years after the Fair Housing Act, the truth is housing remains deeply segregated.
2020 Candidate Series: Rep. Allison Russo (House District 24) on 2021 Health Care Priorities in OhioFor the past few months Prognosis Ohio has been spotlighting candidates in Ohio who have a particular interest in health and health care. On this week’s…
The Tenth Ohio District Court of Appeals has ruled Franklin County landlords are no longer allowed to evict tenants by affidavit.The ruling requires…