Wyoming is quietly supporting action elsewhere to preserve its coal-dependent economy. Experts on money in politics say they've never seen this before and find it troubling.
Global energy demand, particularly for coal, is falling sharply this year, the International Energy Agency says. The drop is caused by weather patterns and COVID-19 shutdowns.
Coal use has plummeted in part because it's more expensive than natural gas or renewable energy. Mines are shutting down, and some power plants may run out of places to stockpile coal.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said despite Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris accord, the U.S. is committed: "We're still in it." The sailing yacht with Greta Thunberg aboard will arrive soon.
The Environmental Protection Agency would give coal plants more time to close unlined coal ash ponds, and ease rules on wastewater. Opponents say that prolongs the risk of toxic spills.
President Trump once promised that coal and steel would be the heart of a revived U.S. economy. A year away from Election Day, the renaissance in the…
Bob Murray, the owner of Murray Energy, pushed the Trump administration to roll back numerous coal regulations. But he says the industry needs even more help from the government.
In an East Room event that played like a campaign rally, President Trump touted his push for clean air and "crystal clear" water. He made no mention of climate change, a growing concern for voters.
The Trump administration is replacing one of President Barack Obama's signature plans to address climate change. It may help coal-fired power plants but is unlikely to slow the industry's decline.
Opponents are outraged over changes made to the so-called “clean air” bill approved by an Ohio House committee this week. The legislation subsidizes…