A group that supports maintaining current term limits in Ohio is airing radio spots warning against an impending vote by state lawmakers to extend term…
The congressional redistricting proposal hit a snag right before taking the next step toward becoming a reality. Ohio Public Radio's Andy Chow…
The lawmakers that pushed for state legislative redistricting reform now want to change the way congressional districts are drawn. Ohio Public Radio's…
Opponents are fighting a proposal extending term limits for state lawmakers from eight to 10 years. The Washington, D.C.-based group U.S. Term Limits is…
State Auditor David Yost says he wants to make it harder to amend Ohio's constitution through ballot initiatives that provide economic benefits to few…
A redistricting proposal is unlikely to be taken up in the lame duck session of the Ohio General Assembly this year, but one could be ready in time for…
The Constitutional Modernization Commission is examining how the state's founding document can resolve the ongoing school funding debate. Constitutional…
After years of complaints about the way the state’s Congressional and legislative districts are drawn, the Constitutional Modernization Commission - an…
For months the Constitutional Modernization Commission, an appointed panel of lawmakers, former public officials and well-connected experts, has been…
A panel of lawmakers and specially-selected citizens charged with recommending changes to the state constitution started a series of hearings this…