The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled the city of Toledo may no longer send appeals of traffic camera tickets to a city-paid administrative hearing officer.…
A Montgomery County judge has issued a temporary restraining order that blocks the state from enforcing its new traffic enforcement camera law. The…
The City of Dayton has filed a lawsuit against the state over revenue generated from traffic enforcement camera systems. The city says a new law is…
New rules on speed and red-light cameras started this month, as the new transportation budget went into effect. But a community near Cincinnati that…
Toledo city officials are preparing a new lawsuit to fight the state over traffic enforcement cameras.The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled a trial court…
The Ohio Supreme Court has declined to consider a state appeals court's decision requiring the southwest Ohio village of New Miami to repay motorists 3…
2017 ends with some big decisions coming out of the Ohio Supreme Court. And questions remain about the future of the state’s largest online charter school…
The Ohio Supreme Court has again sided with cities in a dispute with the state over traffic enforcement cameras. The justices say their ruling earlier…
A Republican State lawmaker wants to test the theory that traffic enforcement cameras are meant to prevent crashes and not boost municipal budgets by…
The Ohio Supreme Court has again upheld cities' use of traffic camera enforcement systems, striking down as unconstitutional legislative restrictions…