Check out these Christmas day specials sure to make your celebration merrier!9am: A Christmas Carol WCBE’s Christmas morning tradition continues! Master…
Season's Greetings!Join 90.5 FM WCBE for a selection of special programming this Christmas Day, December 25th, 2019!9am - Jonathan Winters’ A Christmas…
Episode 94: Relationships How do you overcome a lost relationship? Since it takes both parties to continue any kind of relationship, the final chapter can…
Episode 94: RelationshipsWhat makes relationships so difficult? They have been essential to survival since the beginning of life, and yet it is still a…
Updated 7/15/2019 11:30 AMWCBE experienced a critical power outage this morning that continued for several hours. AEP reported that the power grid along…
Hi loyal listeners!This is Maggie Brennan, the Music Director here at WCBE and I’d like to share a story with you.In 1999, I saved up and purchased my…
Episode 93: EntrepreneurshipPeople are afraid of taking chances and chasing their dreams because of the fear of failure. Being an entrepreneur means you…
You Inc. Tool: Entrepreneurship with Josh Greiff, Matt Weis, Ben Belinger-Ep. 93 Podcast and LibraryEpisode 93: EntrepreneurshipBeing an entrepreneur means taking some risks in order to get some rewards. Chasing your dream and taking that chance can be…
Episode 92: ClarityHaving a cluttered head can drastically decrease productivity and can make accomplishing even the smallest tasks a big challenge. This…
Episode 92: ClarityHaving clarity allows you to complete your goals in life and in business so much more efficiently. With a clear mind you are able to…
Episode 91: ChallengeWhile challenge sometimes leads to failure, it also leads to success. Being challenged is the best way to learn and grow in life. It…
Episode 91: ChallengeSuccess is something that doesn't come without challenge and for good reason. Challenges make you learn, adapt, and grow. This leads…