The panel that’s working on police-community relations has come up with drafts of standards on use of force, recruitment and hiring.
Those standards are expected to be delivered to the state September 3. Ohio Public Radio's Karen Kasler reports.
The draft standards say police will only be able to use deadly force to defend themselves or another person from serious injury or death, and that law enforcement agencies should hire qualified individuals and create diverse workforces. Department of Public Safety director John Born says after the standards are finalized and announced – the next step is ensuring agencies follow them.
“…and then take a look at those agencies that don’t, why don’t they and what can we do to get them into compliance.”
Born says the next area the group will likely focus on is ensuring law enforcement is integrated in the community. This panel was created by Gov. John Kasich – another panel connected to Attorney General Mike DeWine has been working on police training.