Governor Mike DeWine says he will sign a bill to prevent local bans on single-use plastic like styrofoam food containers and plastic bags in Ohio cities.
The governor says making sure that people have access to single-use, plastic items to help contain contamination during a pandemic is important, so he's signing the bill - but reluctantly.
"My general principal is that unless there's a compelling reason why we need uniformity throught the state of Ohio, we should stay away from telling local units of government what to do. But I think it makes sense during this period of time to have that uniformity and that assurance that people have this. So, I will sign this. But when I get another bill in a year or so like that, I probably won't sign it."
Local bans would be put on hold for a year under HB242. Bexley instituted a plastic bag ban in January, but lifted it at the beginning of the pandemic. Leaders there say they are disappointed the governor is taking away home rule, local decision making, by signing the bill. In 2019, DeWine said blocking local bans would be a mistake.