The mandatory shutdown of Ohio bars at 10pm is getting pushback from owners, customers and elected officials. But Governor Mike DeWine says it has to stay in place for now. Ohio Public Radio's Karen Kasler reports.
Two thirds of Ohio state senators – Republicans and Democrats – have signed on to a bill to repeal the 10pm bar curfew, in place since July 28. DeWine has gotten pressure from cities and even law enforcement who have said people drinking in bars is safer than congregating elsewhere, but he says with the way cases are rising in Ohio, the curfew stays.
“Candidly, I thought we would be able to lift that. But when you look at these numbers, these numbers are just horrible. And they’re going the wrong way. And we just can’t do it at this point.”
DeWine says he knows bars have been uniquely hurt by the initial shutdown, the restrictions on opening and this curfew, and he says he hopes to have details soon on how the state can help them out financially.