The National Transportation Safety Board says pilot fatigue and his confusion over a plane's autopilot mode were among the causes of a 2016 crash into…
The National Transportation Safety Board says the plane that crashed into Lake Erie off Cleveland in 2016, killing all six central Ohioans onboard, issued…
A human leg found off the Pennsylvania coast of Lake Erie was from one of three unaccounted for victims of a plane crash near Cleveland last year. Erie…
A county coroner in Pennsylvania has confirmed human remains found by someone fishing in Lake Erie earlier this month belong to one of the victims of a…
A county coroner in Pennsylvania says human remains found by someone fishing in Lake Erie may belong to one of three victims still unaccounted for in a…
The Cuayhoga County coroner has identified the recovered remains of three of the six central Ohioans killed when a plane piloted by a Columbus businessman…
A preliminary National Transportation Safety Board report on last month's apparent crash of a plane carrying six central Ohioans in Cleveland does not…
Officials say DNA matches have been developed for three of the six people aboard a plane that is believed to have crashed into Lake Erie last month after…
Cleveland search crews have recovered more human remains from the wreckage of a corporate jet carrying six central Ohioans that crashed shortly after…
Another piece of a missing aircraft is being added to dozens of others. Cleveland city officials say an apparent wing from the plane was recovered…