Once a staple of both the suburban and urban scene, the American shopping mall has suffered a visible decline in the past two decades. While high-end…
Despite the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, ambitious construction projects continue to sprout in Columbus – even in downtown, which has been…
Featuring Alan Miller, Executive Editor, The Columbus Dispatch; Ben Marrison, Former Editor, The Columbus Dispatch; Chief of Staff, Ohio Attorney General;…
Featuring Yvette McGee Brown, Former Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio and Partner, Jones Day; Herbert R. Brown, Former Justice of the Supreme Court of…
Featuring Angela K. Plummer, Esq., Executive Director, Community Refugee & Immigration Services (CRIS); Noorgul Dada, Founder, Hidayah Institute and…
Featuring Bill LaFayette, Ph.D., Founder & Owner, Regionomics, LLC; Steve Fireman, President & General Counsel, Economic and Community Development…
Featuring Kyle Kondik, political analyst and author of ”The Long Red Thread: How Democratic Dominance Gave Way to Republican Advantage in US House…
Join CMC for an in-depth conversation with Wil Haygood, author of Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Films in a White World. Colorization is an…
Join CMC as we explore what has changed in the last forty years, the challenges that have been overcome and those that remain, and what the future holds…
Columbus Police Chief Elaine Bryant made history as CPD’s first chief from outside the division, and its first African American female Chief. Mayor Andrew…