Dan Skinner talks with Loren Anthes, who is the William C. and Elizabeth M. Troyhaft Chair in Health Planning at the Center for Community Solutions, and leads Community Solutions’ Center for Medicaid Policy. He's alsoa lecturer at Ohio University's Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, located on the Cleveland campus. How is COVID19 pushing us to rethink how we run and pay for nursing homes and other facilities? What role will telehealth play in the Medicaid conversation? What does a temporary increase in the federal share of Medicaid mean for Ohioans? Give a listen and find out!
To read more on Loren Anthes’ research into the Ohio State budget and Medicaid, go here. You can also learn more about the role of telehealth in the pandemic here. Follow Loren on Twitter at @lorenanthes, where he will be posting daily updates on Ohio's efforts to increase COVID-19 testing.
This week's community organization shout out:
The health disparities within the African American community need our urgent attention and support. The Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition’s mission is to address disparities and inequities in education, employment, housing, and their impact on African American health disparities. Please read more about The Northeast Ohio black health Coalition's many important initiatives here and consider donationg today.
Produced by Dan Skinner and Mark Frantz
Contact Prognosis Ohio: prognosisohio@gmail.com
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