The head of the Ohio Republican Party is criticizing Democratic State Representative Kevin Boyce's response to an investigation into a pay-to-play scheme when he was state treasurer. Ohio Public Radio's Andy Chow reports.
The SEC fined a financial services company for donating money to former treasurer
Kevin Boyce' campaign in exchange for state contracts. Documents from that filing
seemed to place Boyce at the meeting where the plan was hatched.
Matt Borges says Boyce - who's now a state
representative - needs to come clean.
Borges: "The issue here is that he was clearly present when this scheme was
concocted -- he continues to lie and suggest that he wasn't there -- somehow or
another he needs to take ownership of this."
Boyce has strongly denied being at a meeting and ever asking for campaign money in
return for awarding state contracts. He says the U.S. Attorney's Office and the FBI
have concluded their investigation and found nothing on him.