Opioids And Nalaxone Discussed At Wednesday's Metro Club Forum

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Ohio Public Radio

Some of the biggest players in the fight against Ohio's opioid epidemic told business leaders Wednesday it might be closer than they think, and warned them to be prepared.  Ohio Public Radio's Andy Chow explains.

The top health official in Columbus wants you, yes you, to have Naloxone. City Health Commissioner Teresa Long says many people might brush off the overdose reversing drug as something only addicts or their family or friends should have.


Long warned during a Columbus Metropolitan Club forum that anyone could be in a position to have to save a life.


Long: “Join me in thinking, why couldn’t it happen to me? Why not in our workplace? In our church, in our school.”


The Kaiser Family Foundation says Ohio led the nation in opioid overdoses in 2015, with more than 3,000 people dead. Stats for 2016 are expected to be even higher.


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