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Charlotte Cardin reflects on her love of music and the making of 99 Nights

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Charlotte Cardin

On this edition of Music Journeys, it's the talented Charlotte Cardin. Born and raised in Montreal, Cardin shares her early memories of music, reflects on the importance of taking some time to figure out her artistic direction after making the finals of a popular singing competition in 2013, details what inspired her 2023 release 99 Nights, and takes part in the Fast Five. Thanks for listening.

Links to explore

Charlotte Cardin's website

Playlist of the songs from Charlotte Cardin featured in this episode

Jim Carrey at MIU: Commencement Address at the 2014 Graduation

Charlotte Cardin's Voice audition

Stay Connected
Mike Foley joined WCBE in February 2000, coming from WUFT in Gainesville, Florida. Foley has worked in various roles, from producing news and feature stories to engineering Live From Studio A sessions. A series of music features Foley started in 2018 called Music Journeys has grown into a podcast and radio show. He also assists in developing other programs in WCBE's Podcast Experience. Foley hosts The Morning Mix, a weekday music show featuring emerging and established musicians, our Columbus-area and Ohio-based talent, and additional artists that inspire him.