New legislation on police oversight and accountability is expected to be introduced in the General Assembly in the next few days.Ohio Governor Mike DeWine…
An independent investigator has ordered six Columbus officers to cooperate with a probe into allegations of police brutality during anti-racism protests…
Police in Columbus should be barred from using force to disperse peaceful demonstrators, a group of anti-racism protesters is arguing in a hearing…
A new law requiring Columbus police officers to render first aid and activate their body cameras sooner was approved by City Council last night.Andre's…
Records show the white now former Columbus police officer who shot and killed unarmed black man Andre Hill had previously been disciplined for excessive…
The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio has filed a civil rights lawsuit on behalf of a Columbus man who was arrested in 2019 for filming a Columbus…
The City of Euclid has agreed to a 475 thousand dollar settlement of an excessive use of force lawsuit filed against police. Lamar Wright claimed he was…
Body camera footage shows Columbus police officers handcuffing and tazing a U.S. Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Agent in July, an incident that…
Reynoldsburg City Council this week approved the creation of a civilian review board to examine police use of force cases. The board is similar in nature…
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is proceeding with plans to create what he says will be more accountability and oversight for law enforcement. The moves focus…