The state is now accepting submissions for broadband expansion projects to reach regions of Ohio that don't have reliable access to the internet. The…
The new state budget sets aside $250 million for broadband programs – that’s a restoration of what Gov. Mike DeWine had initially proposed, which the…
With a little over a day till the deadline on Wednesday, the new two-year state budget is on its way to Gov. Mike DeWine after overwhelmingly bipartisan…
In their version of the state budget, Ohio Senate Republicans erased money that had been earmarked for broadband programs. But they also added a provision…
In the second part of the digital divide conversation, our panel discusses the impact on urban areas, Governor Dewine’s BroadbandOhio office, and what…
Our panel will discuss what is being done today to speed the connection of rural communities to internet access, which is so important for today’s…
Getting broadband services to the estimated one million Ohioans who lack it has been a challenge But the state is beginning a new pilot project designed…
Ohio schools may now begin applying for the BroadbandOhio Connectivity Grant. The state has set aside $50 million in CARES Act dollars to help provide…
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is scheduled to release state guidelines on education on Thursday, but districts around the state have been exploring options…
The COVID-19 crisis has forced us to move almost everything online. But more than one-third of the U.S. population in rural areas has little or no access to the Internet.